Recipe : Famous Potato Perkedel

Perkedel was exist since Indonesia still under the collony. It was frikadel which made from flaked meat. Indonesian people make the perkedel with potato or in vegetarian version. The perkedel made from smashed flaked potatoes. Sometimes perkedel also can be added with chopped chicken or lamb slices, it based on each taste. To made the perkedel not easy to broke, you can chill it on refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Main Ingredient :
- 500 gr potatoes ( wash and clean )
- 100 gr beef or chicken slices ( if you vegetarian, you can skip this one)
- 2 celery ( thinly chopped)
- 3 tbsp flour
- 1 egg yolk ( Shake )
- 1 egg whites ( as coating material )
- Cooking oil
- Water
Ground Spices :
- 3 shallots
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 2 tbsp salt
Note : Grind all ground spices in food processor or by using mortar and pestle.
How To Make :
- Steam the potatoes until cooked. peeled the potatoes, then smash it into smooth textures.
- Sautee the ground spices until fragnant and the beeef or cchicken slices.
- Prepare a big bowl, put the potatoes and the sauteed spices. Mix them well. Add the celery, shaked eggyolk and flour. Mix it well.
- Take some of the dough, make into a circle flaked shaped. Repeat this step until all the dough is done.
- Coating all the flaked cicle perkedel shape with white egg. You can keep it for 30 minutes to made the perkedel durable.
- Fried the perkedel until golden brown colour.
- The perkedel ready to serve with rice and other dish.