Recipe : Famous Arsik Ikan Mas

This traditional Tapanuli fish dish is made with common carp and turmeric-based sauce that looks somewhat like thin curry sauce, but features a much more complex palate. So now, lets make your own Arsik Ikan Mas!

Main Ingredients:
- 2 common carps (approximately 500 grams each)
- 2 asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis)
- 3 torch ginger flower (thinly sliced)
- 2 asam patikala (torch ginger fruit)
- 1 lime
- 6 lemongrass stalks (bruised)
- A handfull of bawang Batak (similiar to lokio/Allium chinense)
- 5 long beans (cut into long pieces)
Spices Paste:
- 6 shallots
- 4 garlic cloves
- 5 red chillies
- 1 tbsp.andaliman (Batak peppercorn, family of Szechuan pepper)
- 1/4 tbsp. candlenut
- 1 thumb-sized piece ginger
- 1 thumb-sized piece galangal
How To Make:
- Clean fish, rub with lime juice and a little salt.
- In a food processor or using mortar and pestle, grind all spices except for the andamalin. Rub part of the spice paste onto the fish.
- Take some of the sliced torch ginger flower and insert them into the fish along with one lemongrass stalk and the remaining spice paste.
- In a pan, place at the very bottom the remaining lemongrass, long beans, and Batak onions, then put the fish on the top layer to keep it from sticking to the pan.
- Pour in about three cups of water, just enough to cover the fish. Add torch ginger food, asam gelugur, andamalin and the remaining torch ginger flower. Cover pan and cook over low heat until the water evaporates.
- Add more water and continue for a few more minute.